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Make a splash! Create the perfect bathroom

Bathrooms are a costly necessity to the home, therefore it is imperative to get it right. So, how do you design a bathroom that will be both functional and stylish?

Here are a few ideas to consider when designing a bathroom to ‘wow’ guests.


Space is important in a bathroom design. It is not necessarily how much of it you have, it is how well you use it. For example, in a small space, a highlight window will allow a towel rail under it, or a shower and bath combination will save on floor space. Decide on what you need, and how much space you have, and design the room based on that.


Good lighting in a bathroom, especially over the vanity, will make a big difference not only for applying makeup and for shaving, but to give the room a lift and allow it seem brighter and lighter. If you cannot manage to incorporate natural light into the room, well-designed lighting can be used to avoid unwanted shadows and irritating glare.

Tile choice

Small or large tiles? At the end of the day it is about what look you are after. Generally the larger the bathroom, the larger the tile, yet it is more of a guideline than a rule. Think about things such as cleaning, and the amount of grout in a small tile in comparison to a large tile. Tiling creatively can also add a ‘wow’ factor to your bathroom, like angling a rectangle tile and bold patterns.


Make your bathroom useable. Don’t be trendy for the sake of it. Provide drawers under vanities to hide clutter rather than open shelves, or install undermount basins to increase the bench space. Think about your daily routine and the things you use the most, and design your bathroom to suit these needs.

Fixings and finishes

This is the fun part, but remember to weigh up all your ideas. Do you want to go all out glitz and glamour, do you want something low key? In this circumstance you need to think about resale value, and over capitalising on your bathroom. Perhaps you want a neutral bathroom with a plant or home wares to give an edge. These are not permanent and can be replaced when trends change.