The colours of Denmark and Augusta

Senior Scheduler Hayden Dowley’s photo of Molloy Island, on the Blackwood River, holds special significance.

“Molloy Island my family’s holiday destination at least twice a year for my entire childhood. My mum’s uncle and aunty managed the caravan park there for years as well.

“It was my dad’s favourite place in the whole world. He passed away in 2003, but this is where his spirit lives, I’m positive of it.

“I was down there for work last year, and decided to pop in, since I was driving passed the Molloy turnoff. I stood on the river bank with a can of Cougar and Cola (dad’s favourite), and that rainbow came up almost immediately (no sign of one on my way in, and I literally watched it form). As it formed, it seemed to point to the island, and where it ends, is exactly where the holiday house we used to stay in sits. It then disappeared as quickly as it came. I got chills, and it was a very special moment.”