7 quick and easy spring cleaning tips
It’s spring cleaning time. To make things a little easier, we have 7 tips that will help you keep your house in tip-top shape any time of year.
Organise your wardrobe
Organising your closet is the first step to organising the rest of your home! To begin, get rid of unused clothes, shoes and accessories you no longer wear. You can then organise your wardrobe by how you get dressed in the morning and by colour. Your closet will look appealing and your everyday routine will be easier.
Clean carpets
To maintain a new carpet’s warranty, you may need to have it cleaned professionally every 12-18 months. Alternatively, you may choose to do it yourself by renting a deep cleaner or buying a professional-style model designed for home use.
Refresh window treatments
Your curtains and draperies aren’t typically dirty enough to get dry-cleaned. Instead, go over them thoroughly with the upholstery attachment on your vacuum. To remove dust from sheer curtains, put them in the dryer on low with a fabric-softener sheet.
Clean refrigerator and freezer
Empty the contents in your fridge, turn off your fridge and let the shelves and drawers come to room temperature before you wash them, since glass and ceramic parts could crack if they come into contact with hot water when they are cold. Once they’ve warmed up, wipe with a mixture of baking soda and hot water. Go over the door seals with hot water and mild dish washing liquid, and remove crumbs and other debris.
Degrease cooking appliances
Take off stove grates and other removable parts and scrub them with soapy steel wool pads. To get stuck-on food particles off the inside of the microwave, put a microwave-safe bowl of water with some lemon juice inside and heat it to boiling for 2 or 3 minutes. The steam will loosen gunk, and the lemon’s acid will help lift grease.
Power Wash
Having your home’s exterior and windows power-washed won’t just make your home look sharp, it also will prevent the growth of mould and mildew that feed on grime.
Clean gutters
To do their job, gutters and down pipes must be clear of leaves and debris. If they aren’t, drain outlets will dam up and rainwater will fill the gutters, overflow, and eventually pull the gutters loose. You can hire a service to clean your gutters, but doing it yourself can save you $100 or more!