WACB blog the Geographe Bay living room

I want everything old… new again!

There’s something about a new home that is so comforting. Fresh paint. Crystal clear windows. Brand new carpet. Or the fact that nobody has ever used the shower or ‘bathroom facilities’ that make the prospect of a brand new home all so appealing.

It can be a trap though.

It’s not uncommon to let the ‘everything new’ momentum take over the ‘stuff that’s old’. A couch that’s only a few years old, still in good shape and serving a good purpose all of a sudden feels old and worn, and won’t suit the new home. The home-wares that adorn the shelves look one decade too old, and not in a retro sort of way either.

WACB blog the Geographe Bay living room

So a word from the wise – don’t get caught in the trap!

Some advice?!

Replace things slowly. A brand new built home is a big enough purchase as it is, and once you are in, there will be plenty to buy as it is so watch the pace at which you buy items. As sadly too often we see people run out of money as they replace all the items in their home with brand new ones, and in the process of selling their ‘what was once’ items – lose money as they are desperate to sell them.